1944, Denmark

Also known as: HT

Birth 1944, Denmark

Hans Tyrrestrup


Master of Arts, M.A., University of Copenhagen,
University of Aarhus, Denmark 1972.
Cand. mag., Scandinavian literature and PE.
The Scandinavian Society of Arts and Science in Rome, Italy 1986.
The Danish Academy in Rome, Italy 1988-89.
The Nordic Arts Centre, Helsinki, Finland 1991.
Akvarelis, Cesis, Latvia 1993.
The Mishkenot Sha\\\'ananim Art Centre, Jerusalem, Israel 1995.
San Cataldo, retreat for Danish artists, Amalfi, Italy 1990, 1999.
The Danish Academy in Rome 2008.
The Foundation of Jyllands-Posten - Artists studio in Berlin 2009.

Member of:

Dansk Forfatterforening Kunstnersamfundet Billedkunstnernes Forbund PRO Charlottenborg

Danish Writers Association Society of Artists Association of Artists PRO (group of artists)

Source: http://www.tyrrestrup.com/