Adriaen Van OSTADE
1610–1685, Netherlands

Also known as: AVO

Smokers In An Inn by Adriaen Van OSTADE

Smokers In An Inn

Price USD 126 (€92) Incl. buyer's premium
Estimated USD 100–150
The Smoker And The Drinker by Adriaen Van OSTADE

The Smoker And The Drinker (Executed ca. 1682)

Price SEK 1,300 (€145)
Estimated SEK 3,000
Värdshusinteriör Med Tre Män by Adriaen Van OSTADE

Värdshusinteriör Med Tre Män

Price SEK 11,000 (€1,052)
Estimated SEK 8,000–10,000
The Spectacle Seller by Adriaen Van OSTADE

The Spectacle Seller (ca 1646)

Price SEK 0 (€0)
Estimated SEK 3,000–4,000
The Family by Adriaen Van OSTADE

The Family (1647)

Price SEK 4,600 (€427)
Estimated SEK 4,000–5,000
The Breakfast by Adriaen Van OSTADE

The Breakfast

Price SEK 1,500 (€140)
Estimated SEK 1,500