Francoise GILOT
1921–1994, France

Lemon Branch In A Vase by Francoise GILOT

Lemon Branch In A Vase (1954)

Price USD 31,250 (€24,119) Incl. buyer's premium
Estimated USD 15,000–20,000
Paloma, A Portrait by Francoise GILOT

Paloma, A Portrait

Price USD 1,868 (€1,355)
Estimated USD 800–1,200

(12) "sur La Pierre" Suite

Price USD 1,638 (€1,188)
Estimated USD 800–1,200
Figur I Fönster by Francoise GILOT

Figur I Fönster

Price SEK 5,000 (€547)
Estimated SEK 8,000
The Door Of Hope by Francoise GILOT

The Door Of Hope (1981)

Price SEK 18,000 (€1,944)
Estimated SEK 20,000–30,000
Kvinnoansikte by Francoise GILOT


Price SEK 7,200 (€707)
Estimated SEK 2,000–4,000