1916–1999, Germany

Birth 1916, 17/3, Germany
Died 1999, 6/6

Fred Thieler biography:

Fred Thieler was matriculated at the juridical faculty in Königsberg until he was called into war service. After his return, he was not allowed to continue studying law reasoned by the Jewish origin of his mother. Therefore, he started studying at the art school Hein Koenig in Munich. After graduating, he disappeared into the underground and became close to the political resistance group Weisse Rose. After the end of the Second World War, he started to study painting at the Academy of Applied Arts in Munich. He co-founded the art group ZEN 49, whose aim was to bring abstract art closer to a wide audience. He worked as a professor at the Berlin University of the Arts from 1959 to 1981. In addition, he spent time as guest lecturer in the United Stated and in Paris. He represented Germany in the International Association of Art from 1976 to 1983. (fea)
