1876–1936, Germany/USA

Name Paul E. SALING
Birth 1876, Germany
Died 1936, USA

Paul E. Saling was born in Magdeburg, Germany on July 19, 1876,, and came to this country in 1893 through Ellis Island in New York City. He was connected with a leading decorator in New York city for a time and then located in 1900 in Hartford, Connecticut following the occupation of a designer, painter and decorator. He has done much of the decorating and painting at Poli's theater and has decorated many private homes, He had studied art in Germany at the Art School at Magdeburg and the Academy at Düsseldorf. He studied under Charles Noel Flagg in Hartford, Connecticut, William Gedney Bunce, and at the Connecticut League of Art Students.

He is a member of Herman Lodge, Knights of Pythias, the Hartford Saengerbund and the German Rifle club, and also of the German Charity Society, being well known in the German circles. Paul Saling later (sometime after 1926) made his permanent home in Lyme, Connecticut. He was known to have loved sailing vessels and many of his paintings were marines.

He was member of the Salmagundi Club, the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, the Connecticut League of Art Students, the Springfield Art League, and the American Federation of Arts.

Saling exhibited at the National Academy of Design 1924,1926, the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts 1915 (prize), 1934 (prize), 1935 (prize), the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 1926, and the Society of Independent Artists 1927.

Paul E. Saling died in Lyme, Connecticut in 1936.
