Stanislaw ‘Stan Wys’ WYSOCKI
1949, Belarus/Poland
Stanisław Wysocki 'Stan Wys' Born 1949 in Ełk.
He studied at PWSSP in Poznan in the years 1978-80. Later, from 1981 till 1986 he studied at Hochschule der Künste in West Berlin (prof. J.H.Lonas) at which school he aquired his diploma in sculpting.
During this studies he completed an internship at the famous statue foundry "Herman NOACK Bildgieserei", where he met many famous artists including Henry Moore. That meeting and cooperation yelded his later stay in Moore's studio in Pery Green near London in 1990 and participation in a sculpting workshop.
His work in NOACK and meeting with Moore enriched Wys with a different, realistic view of art and substantially broadened his academic education.
Wys lives nowadays in Wrocław, Poland.
He participated in the scores of both individual and joint exhibitions held in Germany, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Italy, England, France and Turkey.